Sunday, March 6, 2011

diamonds on the soles of her shoes...

I did it, I made a blog!  I'm nervous and scared, and excited all at the same time {oxford comma noted} for a few reasons:
  1. Sometimes I feel like blogs are for established photographers, super scenesters, or fashionistas with a lot of advice for the rest of us girls
  2. I am NOT a bandwagon girl, at all.  I tend to do the opposite of what is popular because....well probably just because I am super stubborn but blogging just seems like so much fun!  So here I go, getting over my little "I am different" trip.
  3. My life is nowhere near interesting enough for anyone to want to follow me...but what the heck, maybe someone will think I'm funny or cool!?  {I definitely think I'm funny, I won't deny that.}
Well, just so that we are all on the same paige...oops, I mean page {see I told you I was funny!} I think I will introduce myself just a bit, okay?  Okkiieee.

I LOVE DIET COKE.  Some say I  have a problem...I say I have a passion.

I just don't feel like there is anything as refreshing as an ice cold, 44oz. Diet Coke.  Fountain is the best.  I would prefer pellet ice and a styrofoam cup but I know I can't get too greedy, so I will be happy with a Hokley's.
{by the way, I will love you forever and ever if you bring me a diet coke at any time, on any day.  I promise.}

I am a student at Brigham Young University....Idaho style {of course}
This school is absolutely amazing.  I am finishing up my third year right now and I cannot even begin to tell you what incredible experiences I have had here and the completely brilliant people I have come to know.  This place has shaped my life and set my future up to be very bright, I don't doubt that at all.

My family is the most important thing to me in the whole world.  They mean everything to me and I am nowhere near strong enough to make it without them.  My family is what keeps me strong in my faith to the gospel of Jesus Christ and they are what makes me so happy.
Since I love them so much, I will just introduce you to the whole lot of them :)
These are my wonderful parents!  Stacey, my dad, and Kristin {everyone calls her Kris though} my mom.  My dad is the hardest worker I know.  I have learned so much about the value of time and money from him, but also that money should never become so important to you that you lose your convictions over it.  My mom is absolutely hysterical, this woman makes me laugh so hard!  We are very much alike {I got it from my Momma!} so we but heads quite often but it always ends in someone crying from laughing so hard we can barely breathe.  My mom has taught me a lot about love and how important it is to express that love to those around you.  I know I may be slightly biased, but I'm pretty sure my parents are the coolest.  They are still madly in love and I just hope that I will be able to learn from them and have a marriage as successful as theirs.

There were never such devoted sisters!  Aren't they beautiful?  It almost makes me sick!!  I mean really...are you looking at the same girls that I am?  Wow, they just put me to shame.  I am glad they let me be in this picture with them, they are just so kind! 
On the left in the cute, cute grey and white sweater is my older sister, Sydney.  She is literally the most beautiful person I know.  I say this because not only is she drop dead gorgeous {no one can disagree with that so don't even try} on the outside but she is so much better than me and she is just everything I want to be when I grow up.  Sydney has so much love in her heart and she understands more than anyone the importance of putting family first.  This girl would actually cut her arm off for me, I don't think she would hesitate for even a millisecond!  I hope she knows how  much she means to us, because she is definitely a glue in our family.
Next to Sydney is the newest addition to the family, Kristen Marina Russell MORGAN!  Want to know something funny?  She is my best friend!  She has been since our Sophomore year in high school and she married my brother June 19, 2010.  It's like a cute little fairytale!  If you are ever looking for a good time {good, clean fun please everyone} Kristen is your girl!  She is just a ball of fun, I tell ya!  Kristen is such a generous person.  She is willing to do anything with you and share anything with you and she will do it with a completely willing heart too.  I admire her so much!  Also, did you check her out?  HOTTIE STATUS!  And her mom Paula is still quite a cutie so I think my brother did well.
Front and center is our wild comanche McKenzie!  She is so little and I just don't know where all the chaos that is her comes from.  Mick, Mack, Big Mac, Kenzie, Tinker Bell, whatever you call her, she will entertain you, I promise!  Her jaw dropping smile will stop you in your tracks, and then you're hooked.  Sorry my friends but at this point you are toast and you will be wrapped around her finger.  I don't know how she does it!

This stud muffin {with wifey, Kristen} is my older brother Bryce.  Sorry ladies, he is taken, so back off!  All through elementary, middle, and high school I had girls approach me saying, "No way, you're Bryce's sister?!  HE IS SO HOT!"  Sometimes they would proceed to ask me if I thought he was hot...uh you weirdo freakies, he is my brother!  Bryce and I are only 17 months apart {my poor mother.  She cried for days when she found out I was on the way} and I have always looked up to him.  He is not your typical brother.  He never beat us up or teased us, he was just so nice and fun.  He even let us put curlers in his hair {such a good sport.}!  Bryce always had my back.  He even beat some kids up for me after they made fun of me for peeing my pants {what?  You've never peed your pants?  Yes, you have.  Grow up.}  I always followed him around and did everything he did because I just thought he was the coolest thing since sliced bread and he was always so patient with me.  Secretly, I still think he is the coolest thing since sliced bread.

Well, that is the watered down version of my family.  I love them.  Obviously.
Maybe next time I will be more scene and write about my feelings...or maybe write a song?  We'll see!


  1. FACT: you are NOT following my blog and I refuse to blog about you until you do.

    peace and blessings.

  2. YEAH! blogging world. i love your passion for diet coke, MISS YOU!
